When were we founded?

17th August, 2012 marks the charter date for the Rotaract Club of Ramnarain Ruia College. It was initially formed to bridge the gap between our regular students and the visually impaired ones. It was later transformed into an inclusive club consisting of various aspects.

What do we do

Our Inclusive Platform:

  • We’re here for everyone. RC RUIA offers a welcoming and open space for all.
  • We encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and experience personal and professional growth.
  • Our environment is designed to nurture your development on all fronts.

Community-Centered Initiatives:

  • Our focus is on giving back. We’re involved in countless projects that benefit our community in various ways.
  • We strive to address different aspects of need, ensuring our impact is widespread.
  • Whether it’s about ideas or financial support, we work to make any differences disappear.

Inclusivity in Action:

  • We believe in making a positive difference without drawing lines. Our projects promote inclusivity.
  • We’re not just about talk – we actively engage in projects that break down barriers.
  • Our aim is to create unity and understanding, no matter the differences that exist.

Embracing Fun:

  • While we’re dedicated to making a difference, we also embrace the lighter side of life.
  • We recognize the importance of balance and enjoy having fun together.
  • This blend of purpose and enjoyment makes RC RUIA a lively and fulfilling place to be.

At RC RUIA, we’re more than just words. We’re actions, experiences, and a community that’s committed to bettering ourselves and the world around us.

Why should you join RC RUIA

Joining RC RUIA is a life-changing adventure that’s anything but ordinary. As a member, you’ll find a lively group that supports your personal, professional, and social growth. Here’s why being part of RC RUIA is truly special:

Grow as a Person: Step beyond your comfort zone, face new challenges, and gain confidence. You’ll become more self-aware and resilient.

Boost Your Skills: Our club helps you refine leadership, communication, and organization abilities. Join workshops, get mentoring, and gain valuable experience to shine on your resume.

Make a Real Difference: Contribute to various projects that address real community needs. You’ll leave a positive impact that lasts.

Connect with People: Meet like-minded peers, mentors, and professionals. These connections can shape your academic, career, and personal journey.

Get Recognized Globally: Receive a prestigious international certificate from the Rotary International headquarters in New York. This recognition adds weight to your achievements and future goals.

Unforgettable College Days: RC RUIA is more than just a club – it’s a vibrant community. Expect cherished memories, lifelong friendships, and the college experience you’ve dreamed of.