CHESS NUTS’23: A Triumph for the Mind and Strategy

The Rotaract Club of Ramnarain Ruia College recently orchestrated a thrilling event, ‘CHESS NUTS’23,’ held at the esteemed Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College Auditorium in Matunga East. This event, dedicated to celebrating ‘International Chess Day,’ was designed to promote the game of chess and emphasize the vital role it plays in enhancing brain development, critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and creativity for individuals of all ages.

The primary objectives of ‘CHESS NUTS’23’ were multi-fold. The event aimed to foster a deeper appreciation for the game of chess, a strategy-oriented activity that significantly improves IQ and concentration levels. Moreover, the event sought to provide a supervised platform for participants to exercise their brains, strategically plot moves, and engage in friendly yet competitive matches.

The meticulous planning for this event began two weeks prior, with members of the International Service and Sports Avenue taking on responsibilities to ensure smooth execution. Participants, including both potential chess players and past enthusiasts, were contacted to gather a group of like-minded individuals ready to engage in a healthy chess competition. Due to unforeseen weather conditions, the event was rescheduled to occur five days after ‘International Chess Day.’

In the interim period, to keep the participants engaged and excited, an online chess quiz competition was conducted on WhatsApp. This digital contest not only maintained the participants’ interest but also bestowed a winner with a well-deserved e-certificate. The main event unfolded on July 25th, where participants gathered at the college premises.

The event officially commenced with the collaration of the President, followed by introductions by the chairpersons and the judge. Rules were explained, opponents were paired up, and the tournament began with multiple rounds. Matches took place simultaneously under the watchful eye of supervisors at each table, leading to intense yet friendly competition.

‘CHESS NUTS’23’ made a significant impact on the participants and the community at large. It provided valuable insights for the chairpersons in organizing sports competitions, igniting enthusiasm for future sports-related collaborations. The event effectively celebrated ‘International Chess Day,’ garnering interest in the game and Rotaract membership inquiries. Participants and non-participants alike appreciated the event, acknowledging the friendly atmosphere and competitive spirit that was cultivated during the tournament.

As expressed by Shreyas Gondal, one of the participants, “The organizers were friendly and managed the event in a well-ordered fashion. Also, got to meet some new people.” Atharva Lepkar highlighted the learning aspect, stating, “A very good competition…you learn so many things and realize your game improvement.” The project chairpersons, Avni Sawant, Riddhi Chowdhuri, and Aayushi Kurdia, demonstrated exceptional leadership in orchestrating this successful event.

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